

Kenwood School District welcomes you to our community. We hope to make the enrollment process as easy as possible for both students and parents.  To find out more about our school enrollment deadlines, please contact us at (707) 833-2500.

Enrollment Procedure

Parents & guardians can pick up enrollment packets at the school office. For more information, please call (707) 833-2500 or visit our front office during school hours.

Please take the time to review your completed registration packet with our office staff and bring original documents for photocopying. Your child’s original birth certificate and immunizations are needed to enroll.

Kindergarten registration is due early so the school can plan effectively for the upcoming school year. Parents are encouraged to submit their registration as soon as possible to avoid delays.

Parents who do not know their school district of residence should call (707) 833-2500 for assistance.  If you reside outside of our school district you can visit our office for a District of Choice form. A lottery is held at the February board meeting. The district gives priority for acceptance of applications in the following order:

  1. Residents: Child living within the district boundary.
  2. Siblings: Sibling of a student currently attending Kenwood School at time of lottery.
  3. National School Lunch Program:  Students eligible for free or reduced-price meals.
  4. Active Military: Children of military personnel.
  5. District Employee: children of parent who are currently employed by Kenwood School District.
  6. Transfers: all other students that do not meet above category criteria.

Our class size limits are as follows: Kindergarten-3rd grades 20 students and 4th-6th grades 24 students.

Kindergarten Enrollment

Your child will need a physical exam, as well as all immunizations being up-to-date or in the process of being completed by the first day of school.

Parents & guardians can pick up enrollment packets at the school office.  For more information, please call (707) 833-2500 or visit our front office during school hours. A birth certificate and immunization records must be included in the enrollment packet when it is returned to school.

The Physician’s Report should be completed by your family doctor at the time of the child’s physical and returned to the school office before the first day of school.

If you have any questions please call the school office between 8:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. at (707) 833-2500.